Cat Sims

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Welcome to Part II of our WHO IS // feature with the Calm Birth School ladies. Last week I was lucky enough to get the skinny on Suzy Ashworth and this week it's the turn of her partner-in-positive-births Hollie de Cruz a.k.a uber-blogger Momma Lightyear. Just in case you don't know, Hollie is also the brains (and beauty) behind London Hypnobirthing as well as a fervent Instagrammer and social media superhero.

She's also hosting our next "Not Another Coffee Morning" on June 22nd with Suzy Ashworth at Carry Me Home, Kingly Court, Carnaby Street, which we're so excited about we have to stop wee-wee coming out.

For more info and tickets get yourself HERE now.

Hollie is a momma to Oscar.

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WHO IS // Momma lightyear:

So that's me - Hollie de Cruz - wife, momma and birth ninja. Founder of London Hypnobirthing and Co Founder of The Calm Birth School. Sporadic blogger and Instagram obsessive. I live in London with my husband and our son, Oscar.


My son is obsessed with dressing up. His first costume was Buzz Lightyear and he wore it daily for ages, so that's where Momma Lightyear came from.


It's great to have a platform to share the things I love.


Women inspire me. We are so inherently strong and capable. To be able to grow and birth a human being is just phenomenal isn't it? I think the over medicalisation and management of pregnancy and birth can often remove the magic and power from something that's so life changing, so seeing women reclaim that power inspires me on a daily basis.
I'm also inspired by people who put their balls on the line. People who aren't afraid to go against the grain to say, "Hang on, what about this?" or "No, I don't want to do it that way". It takes guts to stand up and pursue what you believe in and I admire anyone who does.


 YOUR FASHION STYLE: Crap. I don't have a fashion style. I just wing it. I guess my wardrobe staples are good jeans, wool jumpers and my trusty YMC cheetah boots. That's quite winter though isn't it, so in the summer it's Cos dresses and SunSans. I'm really short, so things that I like on other people always look crap on me. I feel quite insecure when it comes to fashion.

 YOUR PARENTING STYLE: I'm proud of my parenting style. I don't read parenting books because I think they're crap and stop mums just tuning into their own intuition and maternal wisdom. My husband and I share childcare and the nature of our work means that Oscar gets to spend a good amount of time with us both. It's non conventional, so it means we often sacrifice a lot of the frills, but it feels right for us to prioritise our attachment and connection with one another alongside getting personal fulfilment from the work that we each do. That can be really challenging at times but ultimately we believe in our commitment to providing a safe place for Oscar to discover what it is to be human.

I want him to feel unconditional love, acceptance and nurtured through difficult emotions. I try to be kind and patient with him, respond to his experiences and most of all to listen and learn from him. I'll try to follow his lead with stuff, and if he's telling me about something - even if it seems bonkers (or boring!) - I try to listen properly rather than fobbing him off. I'll readily admit that I get it wrong loads, but I'm happy to learn along the way and am proud of the relationship we have. Motherhood ain't easy but it is the best thing that's ever happened to me.


BRANDS: YMC, Cos, Nike, ZanZan, Stussy women, Monki, Zoe Karssen. BEAUTY PRODUCT:  Molecule perfume, Clarins Beauty Flash Balm, Sisley tinted moisturiser, BeneFit Browzings and Eyeko liner.
 HOLIDAY DESTINATION: Amsterdam. I'd love to live there one day.
  BOOK OR FILM: Book all day long - it's nice to consume something over a slow period of time.
  WAY TO RELAX: Going to the cinema on my own, eating amazing food, sitting in a coffee shop people watching.


Aside from the obvious (love & crumpets), it's probably a Shellac manicure and my iPhone/diary/camera.


Try and accept that what you're getting is right for you at this moment. Don't chase money, clients, etc. Value yourself. Enjoy and learn from what you have in the moment. Hearing that (and living by it) changed my business.


FAIL: A few weeks ago I was with Oscar on a mighty hangover. He decided to draw me. This was the result (picture below!) and it's not pretty! Poor kid.
FABULOUS: Watching him climb to the top of trees and learn to ride his bike. He'd only just turned 3 and he absolutely nailed it! I was quite a wimpy kid so seeing him just go for it and be courageous in exploring makes me really proud. He's fearless in the pursuit of what he loves doing, and I think that's an awe inspiring quality.


Okay don't judge me, but it's Saturday Kitchen and Simply Red. There!