Why Do Some People Feel The Need To Be A Twat?


Piers Morgan hasn’t said anything that doesn’t resemble a pile of monkey jizz (and that’s being unkind to monkies) for at least 18 hours so it was about time he found something to be a dick about. In this instance, it was his response to Sam Smith’s gender fluidity.

In the clip from Good Morning Britain, he himself admits, “I just don’t get it,” and therein lies the problem. What Piers Morgan doesn’t understand he mocks. Now, I know this is his job. He’s taken on the role of villain and the GMB viewer stats have been boosted because of it. People are tuning in, simply to see him spout nonsense. He’s human click bait and he’s good at it.

But he’s also a great example of why people feel the need to be twats. Whatever he doesn’t understand, he dismisses or, as in this case, mocks openly with a bunch of other middle class white wankpuffins on National Television.

Here’s the thing: it’s totally ok to not understand something. It’s even ok for that something to scare you a bit, to intimidate you somewhat. But you have two options: you can either seek out the information so that you do understand or you can do what bullies have been doing for millennia: undermine, verbally attack and mock.

While I’d love to spend some time saying exactly what I think of Piers Morgan right now, Jameela Jamil, who interviewed Sam Smith about his gender fluidity, did it perfectly for us all calling him a ‘shit stain’ and a ‘giant pile of wank.’ While I’m not normally into name calling, sometimes you have to go to a level that even Piers Morgan can understand and we all know that name calling is definitely within his vocabulary (#emasculatedbond)